Open Source North

Matt Vaughn

Frontend Solutions Architect
Patterson Companies

Matt Vaughn’s just a regular guy who’s got more than a little knack for web development, especially with Angular. This cat’s been rocking the scene since ’98, straight out of the beautiful landscapes of Colorado. He never started as a superhero – he just had a big love for coding and an even bigger drive to make things better. Originally, he might’ve wanted to be a jazz musician, but life, it turns out, had a different set of plans for him.

Back in 2008, Matt kicked off Build Motion and began crafting business logic tools for enterprise applications – things like code generators, business action frameworks, and rule engines, all designed to simplify the complex.

These days, he’s applying that same magic to Angular libraries, helping folks slice through the tech jargon and dive right into creating awesome applications. He’s the brains behind, where he spills the beans on all things Angular. True to his Colorado roots, Matt’s all about breaking new ground, constantly learning, and yeah, making the whole app development process a heck of a lot more enjoyable.

Since 2018, Matt’s been all-in on Angular and front-end architecture, sporting a down-to-earth approach that makes navigating complex concepts feel like a walk in the park. He’s a mentor, a speaker, and, above all, a developer brimming with passion for coding. Matt’s ultimate goal? To make sure everyone else finds as much joy in coding as he does.