Open Source North

Leadership Lessons from Office Space

Join me for a captivating session where we journey back to the iconic world of Office Space and explore its timeless relevance to the modern workplace. As an early IT professional, I lived through the hilarity depicted on screen and discovered profound truths that...

Leading Across Business Boundaries

In highly Globalized teams, how do you collaborate with Technology, Marketing, Sales, Operations, Strategy, and other disciplines as you build your products? What happens when those folks are residing in another State? What if they are in another Continent? The...

Scaling a Codebase Beyond the Initial Build

Codebases have an indefinite lifespan, and they are always expanding. Over time, features multiply, requirements change, and there is developer turnover. Without proactive maintenance or planning, tasks such as adding new features, fixing bugs, or onboarding new...

Angular Architecture: Enterprise Principles, Patterns and Practices

I have spent the majority of my career studying and implementing enterprise and application architectures using SOLID principles, design patterns, domain-driven design, test-driven development, pragmatic programming, code generation, web/service APIs, micro-service...